Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Swim Class !!

Last week Brooklyn started swim classes and she LOVED it !! Daddy and Brady came along to watch and to take a few pictures. (Please try to disregard me in the pool pictures----I had to invest in a post baby bathing suit and the choices were limited) .

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

An update of recent events............

The summer has gone so quickly... and its been very busy but fun !

Yesterday Brady had his two month check up appointment and he is growing well. He is 12-pounds 6 ounces and 23 &1/2 inches long (75th percentile for both !!). He did really well despite getting 5-vaccinations. I think it might be harder for moms to watch than for the kids themselves. Brooklyn came along and was helpful as usual. I think it also helped her overcome her "fear" of the doctor by seeing that Brady was happy while the doctor examined him. (I did make sure she didn't seem him getting the shots).

Brooklyn is now potty trained !!!!!!!!!!!! Yah, I am so excited. She is growing up so fast that I wish I could freeze time and keep her at this age forever. She is so expressive when she communicates and says the funniest things.

Anyway, here are some recent pictures of the two....

Sorry this one is blurry (i had my camera on the wrong setting...) But Brady is starting to hold his head up for longer periods of time.

Bath 9 weeks old!! (i can't believe how fast the time has gone)

Hanging out with her little brother !

Visiting with a new little friend !! She is 2 weeks old here and Brady is 9 weeks !! SO cute.

Getting her toe nails painted !! I love little girls. She just started letting me paint her toenails and its so cute.

Such a smiley little boy...I love that the last month Brady has started to smile socially !! His smile reminds me of his daddy...both so handsome

Teaching her little brother everything she knows. Its so fun to watch them interact.

Brooklyn is such a big help.... and she loves to do anything in the kitchen that she can. The other day she helped me bake a cake :-)

Saturday, September 6, 2008
