Wednesday, July 30, 2008

tummy time !

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Two and a Half Weeks Old...last couple weeks !!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Big Sister * Little Brother

This is what I hear all the time.... "momma, please hold babe".....Its so sweet. My sisters and I think its funny how Brooklyn sounds like she has sort of a french accent with certain words--even though we are not one bit french :-)

Posing for the camera--CHEESE !

Getting ready to take Brady on his first family walk--another of Brooklyn's favorite past times.

EYES FINALLY open--its been difficult to get a photo with both eyes open--hopefully he doesn't get the sleepy eye from my side of the family !

Daddy read PLEASE!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Brady's First Week...

I cannot believe that Brady is already over one week old (9-days today!!!) Sunday all of our family members went home and we were left with TWO kids!!! (WOW) So far things are going well. Brooklyn is adjusting very well to her little brother and wants to hold him and rock him and just be around him. Its very sweet.
Here are a few pictures of the last week...

Just before we left the hospital to go home.

Brady's First Bath at home.

Proud Big Sister!!!

First venture out of the house... unfortunately it was to his first doctor visit. I will have to make the next trip more fun. At his 5 day check-up he was up to 7 Ibs 7oz and was doing well.


Blowing bubbles!! A new favorite past time.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

He's Finally Here.....Welcome Brady!!!!!

This is the last picture of me pregnant with little Brady. Just moments later we left for the hospital.

First photos in the delivery room!!!

What a sweet big sister Brooklyn is. She seems to be adjusting well to having him at home. She is very helpful and wants to give him sooo many kisses :)


Friday, July 4, 2008

Our Family Grows.......

In anticipation of our growing family, I thought it would be an appropriate time to create a new blog. I was hoping to be holding my new little one by now, but am hopeful that tonight will be the time. I was scheduled for an induction last night but unfortunately it had to be rescheduled. We shall see what happens......

I cannot believe that soon there will be a new little one to love. I almost can't remember Brooklyn being so tiny and at other moments I don't know where the time has gone. She is such a sweet girl and I know that she will make a wonderful big sister. She continues to amaze me every day and I know that she is going to love her little brother too.