Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Update....(if anyone is still reading this....)

So its been a while since I have posted to this blog, and I wouldn't blame anyone if they gave up that I would ever post anything again..... Anyway, in case someone out there is wondering what we have been up to I will post some of my favorite pictures from the last few months.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

We had a very nice relaxing Valentine's Day weekend at home. Lots of playing and just spending time together. Brooklyn and I got beautiful roses from dad and Brady got a treat too--(cookies=yummy :-)

We made heart shaped pancakes :)

Relaxed and read the paper--even Brookyn and Brady enjoyed this time !!

put together some puzzles !

Playing outside and making snow angles !!

Spending time with some good friends :-)


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Growing Up............

Both Brooklyn and Brady seem to be growing and changing so much over the last few months. I love it because they are both learning new things and growing into their individual personalities. This week Brady has his 6-month check-up and he is doing great, He is 19 pounds and 28 1/2 inches long. He is laughing so much and has started to interact more and more each day.

Brooklyn is becoming such a big girl too. She reminds me so much of a little girl ready to go to school soon. (This part makes me a little sad that she isn't my little baby any more. ) She is developing a very extensive vocabulary and some of the things she says are so funny and thoughtful too. I really need to start writing them down. Anyway here are some pictures from January:

So tall--just over 3 feet tall :)
She must not get her height from me !

Such sweeties..they love to snuggle !

Brooklyn is very into letters. She got these puzzles last year and recently wants to learn how to spell words.

One of her favorite Christmas presents this year is her school bus puzzle--she puts in together over and over....AND over !

Cruising around the house now !